Sunday, September 14, 2008

So long Summer...............

With the Hurricanes and all, I guess we can kiss our sunny days goodbye and go ahead and welcome Fall. As I walked in the garden this morning it was still bursting with color but soon we will have to bring in the Tropicals for the winter and the color will soon cease. All will be shades of orange, red, chartreuse and gold and then poof the leaves will be all gone and nothing but a blanket of white will greet me when I pull the curtains back. Many long months of all white. Terrible for a Artist!!

I noticed the Golden Finches of summer are beginning to get their rather drab little costume of feathers for winter. Sad because they are like ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. They have been eating so much thistle seed the last couple of days.

This morning as I looked out upon my beautiful little 'secret garden' that few have been invited to see, I noticed on the fence a big, blue, Morning Glory. I thought for sure the dogs had dug them all up but no, they left me one plant. This true blue flower made me so happy. I just can't adequately describe my feelings when I saw my surprise today. I love that sort of surprise, I really do.

So, with the gloom hovering and much to do today I will close here................

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