Friday, October 24, 2008

My last wishes..........

My last wishes are well known and have been for years. I have never understood why we can't be buried with our beloved pets.........So having said that,

I will be cremated and buried in the back yard here in the "Luhman Cemetery" out back. It is quite lovely actually. All my babies are there and I want to be with them forever so cremation will allow for that. The last thing I would want is to be next to someone for eternity who doesn't care for animals! Perish the thought!

I think I have found a way to beat the system! If I haven't, don't tell me cuz I will go all nuts all over again!! :o)

I am also in my dream house and never want to leave it so maybe I can be here long after I make my departure from this old earth.

Everything else goes to the Humane Society and my church. Easy peasy!

"Eucharistos" (live in celebration of light and love)


michelle ward said...

hey bonnie - good to hear from you again. thanks for coming to play on the street team. love your simple request. your comment on my blog cracked me up.

Ursula Clamer said...

Very clear and simple, It couldn't be easier. Well done for writing it down.