I don't know but some days it just doesn't pay to get out of bed............I think I have a bladder or kidney thing starting up. Pain in front and back and everywhere inbetween. I have neglected the blog, the art, and almost everything else for days and days. So lethargic, and a kinda sad feeling has overtaken me as well. I have everything in the world to be happy about so who knows about this sort of thing really? I mean, the winter here is so dark and gloomy.......all the time. It wears on a persons last nerve! This last weekend is was really warm out....a whopping 42 degrees. Folks were all looking at the plant sections of the stores. Of course it will be well over a month before we can seriously think of planting anything but we can dream. I did put out my nectar for the hummingbirds. I want them to find food as soon as they arrive because they will be so tired and no doubt very thin. "So I am ready babies for you to come home to mama."
The dogs have been so happy to get out the last few days. They kick their heels up and are having a great time out there. It makes me happy to see them run like greyhounds in a oval pattern. The Cresties start it off and the others follow along.
Today on the news this elderly couple were found to have 800 dogs and birds in their mobile home. Lord have mercy, if I keep listening to the news I will get more depressed. I am sure they meant well but it was so way out of hand.................poor animals.....poor people who have clearly lost their minds. Animals are so innocent yet they seem to suffer so at the hands of humans. It just breaks my heart, literally.
Well, atleast I got this far. Maybe the sun will come out and I can get my sewing room finished. I made great headway in there but still more to do.........then the art room. I am going to be throwing stuff out right and left. So much stuff in here that I no longer wish to use. I am packing it all up for the Salvation Army.
Well, that's it til next time..........
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