Thursday, November 21, 2013

It is well with my soul…..

NO MORE CRUISES………… least for a while.  I was miserable due to wonky foot and strained muscles in my back. Everything I attempted to do was SUCH an effort.

The ship was too crowded, unorganized, room was crazy!!, and the bed so hard the floor would have been softer! I so wish I was kidding.

Been to St. Thomas (my fav. island) 3 or 4 times but the ship took so long to get there that I do believe I could have walked the distance faster….even with my still achey foot.

The food was o.k. but I didn't eat much.  What's that you say? You don't believe me?  Well my friend I came home 3 pounds lighter!   I love to eat but I simply lost interest while I wallowed in my pain.

Just not used to the heat and the humidity any more since I have been Minnesota acclimized. The Caribbean is HOT and HUMID. Next trip will be to Alaska. I am ready to see the blue ice. Never had a desire to go until a fellow traveler told me of her trip and how close to God you will feel. Well sign me up cuz that is all I long for, to feel closer and closer to God my Father.

I appreciate the opportunity to travel but I really feel more like I am having a vacation right here at home. Home is where my heart is. Who'd a thunk??? Color me surprised.