The day has arrived. The Cedar Waxwings are passing through on their way south. They are in a Cedar tree right outside my bedroom window. I have a ringside seat for all the shenanigans going on out there. First they land and sit there resting for a long time. Next they commence to eating the fermented berries thus getting drunk as skunks and flying into my huge bedroom window!
I am usually here to witness this spectacle but if I should be gone and miss them, I know they were here by the butt feathers smeared on my window. Usually they fly away safely but now and again I need to go out and rescue them and wrap them in a blanket to warm them up and give them a chance to sober up and get steady on their feet again. I have held some as they have gone on to 'meet their maker' and then they are all given a proper burial.
I learned the first year that we were in this house not to 'pray to hold one in my hands'. God is so anxious to give me my hearts desire that I have held way more than I wanted to.
As I write, another batch are eating and getting snockered so I am in for another long day of search and rescue.
I have computer paper taped up in my windows to discourage them but it just doesn't phase a drunken bird. I tap on the window to get their attention but they are busy and can't be bothered to pay attention to me. Oh boy, this is going to be A DAY!
YES, I mark the arrival date in my bird journal and as you must have guessed, they come on a different dang day every year. (Figures, right?) I do paste up my windows the middle of September to get ready for them. I guess folks wonder what is wrong with me but they are not my concern.
I am thrilled to see them again because it reminds me that God in his infinite wisdom is indeed in control and they follow what He has instilled in them. They are awfully cute with those little waxy wing tips. This will only last for a day or two and then once again they will be winging their way down south, but while they are here their presence is duly noted!
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Sunday, September 22, 2013
I have a huge window in my bedroom and everyday the scene out of it changes. Some days it is sun-shiny and some days black with clouds. I watch the leaves turn colors and then fall to the ground. I see the trees all skeleton-like........yet with their bare branches reaching Heavenward knowing that they will leaf out again one day soon and be green once again. Returning from the grave, so to speak.
I watch the birds a few at a time flying in and out and I wonder what they are saying as I hear them chattering.
When Luther's mom passed away, after the funeral, I was lying next to him in a state of total exhaustion trying to think of something to say that would bring him some comfort. All of a sudden I noticed that big tree across from me. There sat 2 huge Eagles sitting there seemingly peering into our bedroom window. It was as tho' his mom was saying to him that she was once again with his father and they were happily together again. Eagles never come and roost in the city!! This was a miracle as far as we are concerned. They sat there for at least an hour and were such a comfort and yet a mysterious 'happening' for us.
This morning we were watching one of our favorite ministers on T.V. and frankly, I was getting very little from it as it was way way over my level of understanding. Then I looked out at my favorite tree. Just at that moment 1000's of birds flew out of it and right over our bedroom. It was such an awesome site....looked like a bit of vortex. How one bird knew what the other bird was going to do is just so wonderful to ponder! We ooh-ed and aah-ed and got all excited watching the goings on then it died down........... only to start all over again! How did that one tree hold all those 1000's of birds? The sky was black with birds.
For sure, one of the most breath taking things I have ever experienced!