Saturday, July 27, 2013

Could I huh???

I would like to meet the individual that created one of my daily med's.  Now I ask you, who in their everlovin' mind would pick a triangular shape for such  a big ass pill????  It is  as bitter as gall and consistantly hangs up in my throat. That bitterness remains for atleast 15 minutes no matter what beverage I consume.

I  am simply asking a favor of the universe , a special dispensation if you will.  Could I please just this once squeeze his little testicles.....nice and tight? 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Now you see it ...Now you don't.

So.......I was out in the garden doing a little weeding but mostly telling him what to do and he asked me, "did you see the Ornamental Cabbage and how pretty it is?"  I went to take a look and sure enough it was a beautiful specimen and this fall we will have one beautiful thing of color in the garden.

Two days later he came in and said, "It's gone! Roots and all!"   Seems something moseyed into our yard at night and snacked upon it.....munched it down to the roots and ate the roots as well.

Am I upset?  For a brief second.  Then I pictured a deer smiling and having a full tummy and I smiled. The question is.....deer or plant?    Hands down, the DEER is my choice, every time.

You are welcome dear.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

I have neglected this blog........

I need to bring this up to date!

I am grooving on: 

 Hot Dogs, Buttermilk w/ sugar in it. Learning more art techniques, my garden and my hound's, and planning a cruise.

Concerned about:
My ankle and the pain I still have. The fires and loss of life and homes taking place  
out west. The President and craziness going on in the world.  All the cruelty to          
animals that is blared each night on the news. It horrifies me each and every time.

I waste a lot of time on:
Blogs!!!!   I could read and read my art friend's blogs. Time flies!  The House-wives franchise.  I love them but so much of my life is eaten up by the shows and then following their blogs!  Pondering why I have not yet moved to the beach. I vowed to do that and yet, here I sit.

One thing I never tire of:
I love water. All kinds of water.  Puddles, bubble baths, oceans, even dishwater!  As a kid, after a good rain storm I loved to find tadpoles and       turtles.  I love a real hard  rain storm but the dogs go nuts.  I love the sound on the roof.  I could sleep and sleep.

 The octopus and Squid.  Fascinated by them.

All night long and long, long, complicated dreams.  Not bad but confusing but my mom and dad are in every one so that is good.

Addicted to: Collecting!!  
I am a natural born collector.  Right now it is vintage leather hand bags from designers. Fun and way cheaper than new and some are so classy.